Cancer: Lymphedema

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The causes and consequences of Lymphedema are well documented in the youtube video (link below) created by the India Lymphedema Foundation. So for these articles I would like to discuss the on-going research and discoveries being done by Dr. Stanley Rockson of Stanford University. As time continues to advance technology and knowledge about so many conditions and diseases plaguing world populations, a “cure” for lymphedema is among those goals. The question has been why some develop this disease of disrupted lymphatic function resulting in swelling and discomfort of the limbs or other parts of the body, while others do not. Attempting to answer this question is an area of research and a logical approach to discovering a way to help those with a predisposition to lymphedema.

Dr. Rockson is collaborating with two Stanford labs to find the molecular cause for lymphedema and develop a drug that will address this very dangerous condition. Lymphedema affects tens of millions of people worldwide and the attention paid to it has lagged behind other diseases in our history. Now, the condition is on center stage and getting the attention it deserves. Please Google Dr. Stanley Rockson at Stanford for detailed information on what he is doing in the human trials now being conducted.

If you suffer from Lymphedema or have family members or friends who do, this is valuable information you need to know. But at the moment, compression garments, Manual Lymph Drainage and exercises specific to lymphedema are the only tools we have to maintain control of the swelling and a healthy immune system.

I have developed a cream to use on the affected area using no less than six pure essential oils and organic carrier oils that both stimulate the lymph vessels to move fluid and remove congestion in the tissues. I have received positive feedback from those using the cream. Don’t hesitate to contact me for more information . Any nurturing attention to the sufferer that also has therapeutic benefits is a part of the protocol of treatment that can be welcomed. for more information on Lymphedema

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